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Tehama County Drug Crimes Lawyer

对一个人来说,没有什么比被指控犯有与毒品有关的罪行更有害的了, 这就是为什么如果你在红崖或加州任何地方面临持有毒品的指控, 你必须尽快聘请一位经验丰富的特哈马县毒品犯罪律师. Upon conviction, you will face a wide array of penalties that will affect your life for years to come, and our firm is ready to shield you from those penalties in any way we can. 联系 今天的欧博平台注册,了解更多欧博平台注册公司如何通过法律程序的每一步来对抗你的毒品指控.

Do I Need a Tehama County Drug Crimes Lawyer?

If you’ve been charged with drug possession in California, 无论你面临的是简单的非法持有还是意图出售, there is a very good chance that you will face jail time, 罚款, and a criminal record. Once you have a criminal record, you will face a laundry list of complications, including difficulty finding employment, being prohibited from securing certain loans or living in certain areas, and more. Rather obviously, 如果没有一位知识渊博的加州刑事辩护律师的帮助,你就负担不起诉讼的费用,他有能力为你辩护,使你免受获取犯罪记录的各种潜在陷阱. You have just found that lawyer in Attorney Cohen of Cohen Criminal Law.

Our firm handles a wide array of drug crimes, including:

  • Possession
  • Possession for Sale
  • Distribution
  • Transportation
  • 销售
  • Manufacturing

Simple Possession Charges Vs. Possession With the Intent to Sell

Here in California, 你可能会面临两种管有控罪:简单管有控罪和意图出售管有控罪. 简单持有指控是指某人因持有相对少量的非法毒品而被捕, 持有并意图出售是指执法部门认为某人计划向他人出售或分发非法毒品, usually on the basis of having larger quantities of the drug. As you can imagine, 对持有并意图出售的处罚甚至比简单的持有指控更具破坏性, and are generally considered felonies. That being said, regardless of the circumstances surrounding your charges, our California criminal defense lawyer is here to help.

What is Drug Distribution?

毒品分销的定义包括非法销售和运输1970年《abg欧博下载手机版本》中列出的任何毒品. Possession for sale is a related crime. 如果警方发现你拥有的物质没有列在《欧博平台注册》的任何附表上,而是用于制造甲基苯丙胺或苯环利定(PCP)的成分,你也可能会被收取分销费。.

法律将分销毒品视为比单纯持有毒品更严重的犯罪,因为, by distributing illegal drugs, 被告增加了其他人遭受药物滥用影响的风险, including overdose or addiction. 检察官经常试图利用陪审员对危险的毒贩故意掠夺弱势群体的恐惧. 这就是你需要一个有经验的辩护律师来帮你对抗毒品分销指控的另一个原因.

What are the Consequences of Drug Distribution?

Drug distribution is a felony, punishable by probation or a prison sentence. 如果有的话,刑期的长短与犯罪的情节有关. 在有儿童的地方或儿童经常出没的地方贩卖毒品,会受到比其他地方更严厉的惩罚. For example, 如果被告在学校或操场附近制造或销售毒品,刑期将更长. Likewise, 你是否有前科会影响你的刑期. 分销甲基苯丙胺或PCP的前体化学品,最高可判处16个月至6年监禁.

Proposition 47 in California

Essentially, 第47号提案规定,在加利福尼亚州,个人不再因持有受管制物质而面临重罪处罚. Once Proposition 47 was passed in 2014, 个人现在可能只面临持有各种管制药物的轻罪指控. These crimes are generally punishable by up to one year in county jail and a fine. The following drugs are all classified as controlled substances:

  • Opiates and all Opium Derivatives, i.e. 海洛因
  • 可卡因
  • Synthetic Cannabis
  • Hallucinogens, i.e. Mushrooms and LSD
  • Methamphetamine
  • Certain Prescription Drugs i.e., Hydrocodone, Valium, Xanax

Marijuana Possession Charges

而娱乐性使用和销售大麻在加利福尼亚州已经合法化, this is only true to a certain extent. For example, if you are caught in possession of more than 28.5克大麻,你可能会被判入狱6个月,并可能面临500美元的罚款. Additionally, if you are under the age of 18 and you are caught with 28.5 grams of marijuana or less, 你将面临违规行为,你将不得不参加社区服务和强制性的毒品教育课程. If you are caught with eight grams or more of concentrated cannabis, you will most likely face a $500 fine and up to one year in jail. 最后, if you are caught cultivating, or growing, more than six marijuana plants in California, you may face a potential six-month jail sentence and a potential $500 fine.

You should also note, 然而, that if you are caught selling marijuana, you will face additional penalties. They are as follows:

  • Any amount: This is a misdemeanor, which may warrant a six-month jail sentence and a potential $500 fine.
  • 18岁以上的成年人向14-17岁的人出售大麻:这是一项重罪,可能会被判3到5年监禁.
  • 18岁或以上的成年人向14岁以下的人出售大麻:这是一项重罪,可能会被判3到7年监禁.

Common Defenses Used By A Tehama County Drug Crimes Lawyer

Fortunately, 在特哈马县毒品犯罪律师的协助下, 对于你持有毒品的指控我们有很多可能的辩护理由. Some of the most common defenses against drug possession charges are as follows:

  • The drugs did not belong to you and that they, in fact, belonged to another person
  • The drug was legally prescribed to you
  • You were a victim of entrapment
  • The arresting officer performed an unlawful search and seizure
  • The substance was not an illegal drug
  • The drugs were planted on your person or on your property

Of course, 我们采取的辩护策略将主要取决于你案件的具体情况, 前面提到的辩护只是针对持有毒品指控的一些最常见的辩护. Regardless of your situation, our firm is ready to help you in any way we can.

联系 Our Tehama County Drug Crimes Lawyer

科恩律师在他30年的刑事法律实践中处理了数千起毒品犯罪案件. Gregg Cohen, former district attorney, 了解检察官作出的指控决定和在你的具体案件中可能可用的辩护策略. Do not make the mistake of trying to go it alone. 联系 Cohen Criminal Law today to schedule your free, 最初的, 和我们律所协商,以便我们开始为你进行最好的辩护.

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